Rules & Regulations
Rules & regulations of the school & general rule of conduct & discipline
Aim of the institution
The primary aim of the school is to impart education to its students that would help them to attain self fulfilment in their personal lives in keeping with the culture and tradition of their country.
The values of honesty, dedication and service to others are inculcated in the academic atmosphere with equal stress on academic excellence.
Above all, the greatest emphasis is placed on the knowledge and love of God without which nothing can be achieved in this Universe.
- Parents are earnestly requested to ensure that their children attend school punctually and that they are collected punctually at the school closing time. The children must attend the morning assembly and must keep reverential attitude during the prayer and should not indulge in anything that may be detrimental to the devotional and moral tone of the assembly.
- To ensure regularity, medical appointments should be made necessarily on the weekly holiday. For unavoidable circumstances if for some reason the appointments has to be made on school days, the children should abstain from school for the full day as no half day holiday are given, if the children are send to school for tests and leave after doing the test, they will be Marked absent as health is more Precious then marks.
- Children affected by infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period before joining the school. This should be indicated on the medical certificate.
- A formal letter accompanied by a medical certificate is necessary in case of sickness for over four days.
- The Principal’s prior permission for leave of absence from school is essential. Unathorised leave of absence may result in the child’s name being struck off the Rolls.
- All are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each vacation. Parents are requested not to take their children on vacation before the set date nor to extend these vacations. Pupils not attending punctually after holidays are liable to have their name struck off the Rolls. If they are readmitted they must pay the admission fee again.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, unexplained absence or objectionable behaviour of any kind are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil from the school.
- The Principal has the right to suspend attendance or order for the withdrawal of any pupil, without having to assign any reason provided that she is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
- Use of unfair means and /or possession of unauthorised material in any examination will result, in the annulment of a pupil’s entire term results. A pupil who renders unfair assistance to another is equally culpable and will therefore share in the punishment.
- The school does not provide any retest for class assessment which are missed due to absence, as and when a pupil is absent, for a class assessment he / she will be marked absent.
- The responsibility of maintaining discipline in the school lies with the Principal and the staff. During the absence of a teacher from the class, pupils must obey the class monitor and monitress to maintain order and discipline in the class. Besides there are the Head Boy, the Head Girl and four House Captains.
- Parents or guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview a teacher during school hours. However they can interview a teacher seeking or prior appointment through the diary, after the school hour.
- There will be parent teachers meeting at the midway of each term to discuss about the pupils performance.The date and time of the meeting would be intimated before hand.
- Every pupil has to take part in all school activities, this regulation also applies when such activities take place out of the usual school hours.
- No mobile Phone, tablets, laptops books, periodicals, picture, newspapers, musical instruments or electrical gadgets shall be brought into the school without permission, and if a Student is caught with it , it will be confiscated by the school authority.
- Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their book and belongings. Any damage to school property must be repaired at the cost of the person responsible for the damage.
- The pupils are expected to behave in gentle and polite manner on all occasion. They should address all members of staff with due respect and politeness.
- Presents to the members of the staff in their honour are not allowed.
- Pupils are not allowed to enter the school office or staff rooms without the prior permission from the Principal given specific reason only.
- This diary is for official school use only and must be reserved for notices, homework and instruction . It must be brought to school every day and produced for inspection whenever required.
- The Principal may be interviewed on a prior appointment by calling the school number.
- All correspondence regarding the pupils should be addressed to the Principal.
- Pupils and parents should comply with the requirements and regulation of the school.