Important Info for Parents (Class I to V)
Promotion rule
The Final Assessment of the student for promotion shall be decided on the basis of the students whole years performance.
The decision of the promotion committee headed by the principal Mrs.Debjani Ghosh is final and binding.
Pupils absence from the examination for any reasons whatsoever will not give him / her any scope of re-examination.
Progress report is given after each terminal examination. Which must be returned to the school on the very next day signed by the parent / guardian.
School hours
Working days are from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday are holidays. All pupils must be in school by 9.50 A.M and proceed to their respective classes. At the strike of the bell for assemble at 10.00 A.M. they should queue up with their respective classmates and proceed for the assembly at the hall. Prior to the meditation and prayer there will be an inspection parade.
Parade to check whether the students are clad in neat and clean uniform, have short well groomed hair and clean shoes and socks. Classes will be begin at 10.30 A.M. and get over at 3.40 P.M. There will be a short recess of 10 minutes at 11.50 A.M.
For student of Class XI & XII the school hours will be from 9 A.M. to 3.40 P.M. They must be in school by 8.55 A.M. The assembly will be at 9.00 A.M.
School uniform
All students must be clad in neat and well pressed prescribed school uniform. Boys must have crew hair cut and girls with long hair should have neatly plaited and tie with white ribbons and those with short hair should have it neatly combed and kept off the face with white hair bands and clips. Finger nails must be short and kept clean without nail varnish. Palm should not be adorned with Mehandi. Shoes should be shining jet Black and socks immaculately white.
For Boys ( Classes I to V )
- White shirt Half Sleeves –Summer, Full –Sleeves Winter with School monogram on the pocket.
- Navy Blue Shorts (In summer and Trouser in winter) and Navy Blue Tie.
- White Socks without design and Black Shoes.
In winter the Boys of Classes I & II must wear Navy Blue V Neck. Sleeveless or sleeved Pullovers. Boys of Classes III to V will wear Navy Blue Blazers.
For Girls ( Classes I to V )
- White Blouse, Navy Blue Pinaforses and Navy Blue Tie.
- White socks without design and Black Shoes.
In winter the Girls of Classes I & II must wear Navy Blue Cardigans. Girls of Classes III & V must wear Navy Blue Blazers.
Games & P.T. uniform
For Boys (Classes III-V)
T-Shirts of the respective House colour and white shorts , white socks without design, white canvas shoes (Tennis) completely white with laces.
For Girls (Classes III-V)
T-Shirts of the respective House colour and white divided skirts , white socks without design, white canvas shoes (Tennis) completely white with laces.
The Four Houses named after the Planets with their respected colours are as follows:
Mercury – Red, Venus – Yellow, Earth – Green, Mars – Blue
School term vacations and examination schedule
The scholastic year comprises of two terms, i.e. from April to October and end of the term i.e. from November to March.
There are three vacations namely – Summer Vacation of one month i.e. In May / June , Puja Vacation of four weeks i.e. In October / November and Christmas Vacation of two weeks i.e. in December / January. These Vacation will be mentioned in the holiday list along with the National and Festival holidays.
There will be Two Terminal Examinations in the scholastic year. The First Terminal and the final Examination . The First Terminal Examination will be held after the Puja Vacation and the final Examination sometime in February / March.
Examination schedule for classes I - V
There will be class tests and weekly test on Mondays, beside the terminal examination. Class tests will be conducted by the subject teacher as per their convenience before the midterm and before the midterm and before the final examination, to evaluate the progress of the students about the chapter and subject to be tested for Class test and Weekly tests. Marks obtained in each test will be recorded in the test copy to be duly signed by the guardian / parents and returned within a specific time.
Every student must appear for the class test and weekly test, as 30% of the Marks of class test and Weekly tests, 70% from the terminal tests will be taken and the students will be assessed on -100% marks per subject during the mid term examination and in the similar manner for the final term examination.
In all the examination maximum of 40% question will be unseen, thorough preparation will be required for this. No average marking will be done.
Home works and Class works will be internally assessed and graded.
If the child is sick, they should not be sent to attend school for the sake of examination. There is no provision for Re-test. Pass marks in each Subject is 45%.